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- MD VIP Community
MD VIP Community
Joining the MD VIP Community comes with the following benefits:
- Exclusive Offers: Access special deals and discounts available only to our VIP members.
- Early Information: Be the first to know about new products, upcoming collections, and exciting events.
- Loyalty Points: Earn points every time you shop and use them to get discounts on future purchases.
- Birthday Surprise: Celebrate your birthday with a special surprise as our way of honoring you.
You can find all our membership terms and benefits here.
- Exclusive Offers: Access special deals and discounts available only to our VIP members.
If you are a member of the MD VIP Community, you are automatically on the list for our VIP Access for our Campaigns. You will receive an email when our VIP access is live, so make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter as well.
Not a member?
Sign up here!Anyone is welcome to become a member, but you need to be at least 16 years old. If you're under 18, you need parental consent to join.
You can become a member here
Yes, it is completely free to become a member.
To register your points retroactively, please contact our customer service by filling out the contact form.
Include your account details and the order number for the specific purchase you wish to register.To reset your password, visit our Login Page and click on 'Forgot password.'
Enter your email address and follow the instructions in the reset message you receive.
Simple and secure!
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