Rasmine Laudrup-Dufour about

International Travel for Competition

Curious about competing abroad? 🌍 Follow Rasmine's trek to MET Oliva. Learn the ins and outs of international horse travel, from careful prep to victorious results. Gain exclusive insights and expert advice for your equestrian endeavors.


Fri 24 May - 24

Can you describe your journey to MET Oliva, including any challenges or highlights you encountered along the way?  🚛

Our trip to MET Oliva took 3 days. Driving from Denmark to Germany with a whole day of rest in Germany. Then driving again from Germany to France with a whole day of rest in France and then finally France to the final destination in Spain. We drove during night and had our rest during the day to make sure the temperature for driving was nice for the horses and it went smoothly with the traffic. We gave the horses hay, mash and water while driving and checked the horses every second hour.


How many horses did you bring and could you tell us about the size and composition of the team that traveled with you?

I brought my 3 horses - Granato, Lulu and Newcomer and then my groom had her horse with her too. They drove together in our truck. In the truck, it was me as co-driver 1, a co-driver 2 and my groom. We traveled behind my trainer’s truck - Shannon Sporthorses - the whole way so if anything happened we always had each other. 


What preparations did you make before traveling internationally with your horses, and how did these preparations contribute to a successful trip?

I made a whole lot of preparations. Not only did it take a lot of paperwork but all horses were also checked by the vet and we made sure they got boosted with vitamins and minerals before the long trip. I’ve never traveled this far with the horses before but I felt really safe about doing all these preparations with my vet and team before takeoff. 

"I’ve never traveled this far with the horses before but I felt really safe about doing all these preparations with my vet and team before takeoff"


Could you share any memorable moments or experiences from your time at MET Oliva, either in competition or outside of it?

It was one of the most successful shows I’ve ever had I think. I brought three very different horses and did 21 rounds over the three weeks. 17 of them were clear rounds. My superstar Granato got operated on for colic in October and this was his comeback in MET Oliva. I also had my 140 cm debut on my new partner Newcomer who actually was a birthday present from my wife in September when I turned 30. So I must say MET Oliva was special in so many ways 💌

Pål Flam & Rasmine Laudrup-Dufour out hacking 💬

How did you and your horses adjust to the new environment, including climate, stabling, and competition facilities?

We arrived around one week before the show so there was plenty of time to look around, lots of long walks and chill days just as we love it. We also booked one of the arenas to flatwork and jump in before the competition, which was super nice. The weather was actually easy to adjust to as the days were nice but not too warm.


Were there any unexpected obstacles or surprises during your stay, and how did you handle them?

Yes of course. It’s big animals we are riding and you just have to enjoy it when everything goes as planned. With that said I have a very good team around me and a wife who was always just a phone call away to help me. 


What strategies did you employ to keep your horses healthy and in top condition during the competition, especially considering the demands of international travel?

Made sure to create some good routines for them and also that they stayed the same (more or less) all three weeks in their new environment. I brought the same food they ate at home with me too. I really tried to make everything as close to our routines at home as possible. 


Looking back on your experience at MET Oliva, what lessons or insights did you gain that you believe will positively influence your future travels and competitions with horses?

I saw so many good riders which had a huge impact on my riding. I gained a lot of “good riding” experience and then we saw what all the professional grooms’ routines look like which was very useful for me and my groom too. We gained a lot of experience that money can’t buy. Furthermore, we also got to know the horses a lot better and understand their individual needs for this kind of show. 


Based on your experiences, do you have any tips or advice for fellow equestrians who are planning to travel internationally for competitions? 📝
  • Make sure to travel with a good team around you. 

  • Make good routines for the horses that are as close to the routines at home as possible. 

  • Travel during the night - it’s much better with the temperatures and the traffic. 

  • Have everything organized and settled from home with the route and stops. If it’s your first time driving far then team up with someone who has tried it before and drive behind them along the way and ask them how they make it work with the horse routines (food, checkups, water etc. on the way)

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